About Me
Hello There! I’m Gerard Lamoureux, a Computer Science major at Bradley University in Peoria, IL, Class of 2023 with a focus in Game Technology. I’ve been interested in video games ever since I was a little kid. Not just playing them, but creating them as well. I first had a text-based game maker on a really old Macintosh computer creating whatever my little mind could think of to create. Once I got the hang of it, and could get my hands on a faster machine in the MacBook Pro, I started to learn the ways around XCode around the age of 12. I ended up creating a “Flappy Bird” clone known as “Fly Away Penguin” and an air hockey game as I’m a huge fan of sports as well.
I grew up around sports my entire life. I started with ice hockey and then spread out to other sports through the years but always came back to hockey. And now, after all of these years, I’m still involved in the sport. While studying during the school year, I also officiate ice hockey around the midwest. It’s been a great experience and has brought me many valuable experiences for my future and has also brought along great friends. Being able to do both of my passions at once has been a treat and I hope to continue with that after I graduate from Bradley University.
Oh, and I also like Snakes ;)